The Tunisian Post printing Works offer a complete product to its customers. It supplies them with all guarantees as to quality security and punctuality in delivery times from manufacturing till the destructing of printing refuse.
Printing Works are provided with modern equipement platform allowing it to make stamps meeting standards and technical specifications. In this field it mainly inludes :
- An electronical control machine for inking, washing and wetting ...
- Six machines with one or two groups
- A rotating machine for printing on continuous paper
- A laboratory for preprinting
The Tunisian Post printing Works do possess a modern technical infrastrusture qnd skilled qnd auqlified hu;qn resources. It secures issues of Tunisia and other countries according to quality standards.
Issuing and manufacturing process includes many technical stages regarding especially the folowing fields.
1- Sketches desing: It is archived by graphists and artist painters selected through a national competition.
2- Color selecting : It is a step archived in a professional and specialized laboratory in preparing films and colors selecting specifications.
3- Printing plates developement: It is a fundamental process consisting in the developement of printing plates which shall serve to reproduce stamps on indudtruel scale. These plates are engraved from mounting films.
4- Printing and punching : Printing and punching include all operations allowing to obtain a finished stamp at the end of preprinting zork.
Stamps printing works offer guarantees as to printing quality, delivery delays and security from manufacturing till the destructing of printing refuse.
Imprimerie de la Poste Tunisienne |
e-mail : |
imprimerie@poste.tn |
Address : |
Parc Technologique des Communications - Route de Raoued Km 3 - 2083 - Ariana |
Telephone : |
00216 71 856 677 - 71 856 382 - 71 857 255 |
Fax N° : |
00216 71 856 855 |
Centre de la philatélie |
e-mail : |
philatelie@poste.tn |
Address : |
Complexe postal, Avenue Habib Bourguiba 2080 Ariana - Tunisie |
Telephone : |
00216 71 719 579 - 71 713 936 |
Fax N° : |
00216 71 714 085 |
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