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Delivry modes
The delivery in Tunisia or abroad is ensured, according to the choice of the customer, by way of mail express rapid-poste or mail recommended.
  • Delivery by mail express train Rapid-poste
    • In Tunisia
      • Time of delivery: 1 working day starting from the date of the order.
      • Expenses of delivery: 5 DT, even for the orders exceeding 500 G.
    • With destination from abroad
      • Time of delivery: 2 to 3 working days starting from the date of the order for Europe and America and from 4 to 5 days for the rest of the world.
      • Expenses of delivery: 25 $ US, even for the orders exceeding 1 kg
  • Delivery by mail recommended
    • In Tunisia
      • Time of delivery: 2 to 3 working days starting from the date of the order.
      • Expenses of delivery: 2,5 DT, even for the orders exceeding 500 G.
    • With destination from abroad
      • Time of delivery: 5 to 9 working days starting from the date of the order for Europe and America and from 7 to 15 days for the rest of the world.
      • Expenses of delivery: 10 $ US, even for the orders exceeding 1 kg.
Payment mode
  • In Tunisia per E-Dinar or per mandate.
  • From the foreigner: other credit cards, mandate or credit transfer
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